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Barrels & Bitches: Say It To Me!

Hey Puddins'!!! I hope you are having the most iconic Thursday that you can possibly have today. I have some tea and knowledge that I must vent out because if I don't I'm going to burst - and as a hefty thickums I try never to burst out of my casings, ok?!

I'm known for a few character traits that, depending on which side of them you land, may come across as hateful or simply being honest. I have found that the traits I often am praised for are the same traits that I'm demonized for when that person or set of individuals find themselves on the receiving end of those characteristics. I am honest and I am kind. I am stubborn when it comes to people trying to feed me bullshit and tell me that it's chocolate. I'm well aware, that my kindness is a choice. One can not know kindness unless one knows that which is unkind. So, when I choose to be kind, it's because I'm choosing not to be violent. BUT! I am STILL very capable of the violence! And today...I choose violence!

I was informed yesterday that someone I've had a working acquaintanceship with decided that they wanted to include my name in a meeting that had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with me! They proceeded to express that someone else should not work with me because everybody hates me (good thing my name ain't Chris) and that this individual would have a more unpleasant time while working with me in the space.

Now where as I don't give two ADOS FUCKS about what somebody who has made NO effort to get to know me may think, I have a hard time bridling the street code in my system that dictates: If you can say it behind my back, say it to my face!!

I don't care what position a person has, how old a person is, or how respected OTHER's may deem them to be; respecting you is SOLEY based on how well you respect me! There is nothing I've said once behind you that I haven't first said in front of you or at very least willing to say to you! And the fact that you have bitches in barrels who are miserable and cantankerous over their life choices and lack of mobility in a forward moving motion that they (as an elder) have to bring me up in a conversation that in NO way, shape or form should involve me?


Catch your breath, cause that was a run on sentence that was also a REEEEAAAAAD!!!


Let's me know just how much power I have. It let's me know there is a rent free penthouse in your mind, decorated with my name and face!

Every inch of me wanted to lace that bitch's face like a new pair of Converse for putting my name into something that it should have never been involved in, HOWEVER...

After much reflection, I realize one important thing. My work and my reputation with (literally) thousands of others speaks for me! I don't have a history of people who can't stand me. I don't have a track record of not taking accountability because I'm so thirsty for caucus approval and privilege. I don't have a string of people who have left under my leadership because at the end of the day I'm simply a horrible person to work with. I am honest and I am kind. I am consistent and I am fair. I am not perfect and I am accountable to the experiences people have with me.

And if this miserable bitch's experience of me is one that causes for them to hate me? All I can do is apologize for their experience with me and hold them accountable to the baggage that they walked into that experience with! Cause honey, your baggage is NOT my problem!

And on THAT note: Y'all have a blessed day! XOXO

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