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Writer's pictureDanyol Jaye

Starting Over...From Scratch! [Video]

Starting Over...From Scratch! [Video]

Hey my precious Puddins'! It's been a minute since last I've posted, but much has occurred in that time! One of the major hits to life happened last month when my IG account was hacked and I lost access to my page of over 40K followers, the ability to monetize the platform, and over 10 years of work in order to build that following organically. IG had become about 1/3 of my income and to lose that was a huge hit, not only to my finances, but to my ego. In addition, the only laptop I have decided to falter and now I don't even have a device to properly work on for content creation, writing, or any such creative efforts. Albeit, life moves forward and there is no point in trying to go backwards!

I have experienced so much in my life that many of the lessons were rooted in learning when to let things go and when to stand and fight. I'm not a known celebrity with millions of dollars to have IG restore my page. I can't just up and go buy a whole new MacBook and call it a day. So, what are my options...Start over!

Many of us have been conditioned that starting over is the worst thing we can do. We've been taught - especially if we tend to stay in a perpetual state of new beginnings - that starting over means we didn't finish, that we've failed, that we have lost something of such great value that the idea of beginning a new means we'll never have the same level of success or progress. THAT - IS - A - LIE!!! Starting over is about having a clean slate and a fresh start. It's the gift of being able to look at the path before you and realize that you can create anything you so desire.

Much of our conditioning centers what we gain as the value, instead of realizing that WE are the value! The goals we reach aren't precious in and of themselves. They are precious because of what we had to do to achieve them, the work we put it in, the diligence, the recognition of our power and creativity along the way. We STILL possess all of those traits even when starting over is where we end up.

Part of my resolve for losing my original page is that the Danyol Jaye that got that following can get a new following! Everything I was for the first 10 years of creating that page I STILL am! And I don't believe it's going to take me another decade to rebuild. Not to mention that my TikTok following is over 440K and I did that in less than 2 years LOL! So, I mean there's that! I recently went on to TikTok to remind people that the blessings that are for YOU are for you and nobody else, and the only person who can mess that up is YOU!

Even thought it's going to be work to rebuilt my IG presence, I know that this new page will go further and do more than the first one did! Also, just in case you needed that encouragement I gave TikTok here you go!

Follow me on my new IG page: @DanyolJayeOfficial

43 views2 comments


Jul 22, 2022

This blog really resonates with me and I am so inspired by your outlook and the way you pick up dust off, and keep to your journey... I am on a true quest for my destiny and I have been through so many discouraging moments along the way but you have always reminded me they are moments, and we learn and move on... You told me life comes in seasons, and I have held on to that and allowed it to be my staff as I journey..... Thank you for sharing your truth, and the love you have been building!!!

Danyol Jaye
Danyol Jaye
Jul 25, 2022
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I love you so very dearly!!!!

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